43 young, talented, brave girls from Bai M. N. Gamadia Girls’ High School represented their prestigious school at the annual Sports For All Tournament on 9th December, at the Kalina University, Santacruz, Mumbai.
Sport MMA is a growing game all over the globe, this physically active sport includes kickboxing, grappling, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and a combination of safe techniques to show the dominance of a combat game.
Our girls who participated at this tournament regularly practice Eskrima Kali Arnis as a part of their school curriculum but they also have dedicated their time to concentrated training for this tournament for over a month to get the amazing results they all have achieved.
The goal of this training was not only to win a medal but to learn advanced techniques of self-defense and to grow in the field of martial arts as the exposure to such events helps each kid to experience a whole new level of multidimensional practical knowledge.
It was a very proud moment for 38 girls to win accolades for their school.
The whole event had about 150 participants, out of which, we bagged 6 Gold Medals🥇 12 Silver Medals🥈 20 Bronze Medals.