
Bai M. N. Gamadia Girls' High School


Bai M. N. Gamadia Girls' High School

The child has one intuitive aim: self development


The Last Assembly was held on Thursday, February 1, 2024 for SSC students,
It was an emotional crescendo, blending gratitude and anticipation, filling the school hall with a mix of excitement and nostalgia, our students gathered to experience school assembly for the last time.
Teachers shared poignant reflections, acknowledging achievements and offering words of inspiration for the journey ahead.
Presence of Mrs. Rati Wadia, our esteemed member of the Managing Board shared her experiences as a child, the bond with her father and explained 9 legacies of life that one must follow, as incorporating these principles into our lives can help us to navigate through challenges with resilience, build meaningful connections, and leave a positive impact on those around us.
The atmosphere was charged with a sense of companionship and unity, as the students embraced the significance of the moment. A moment of distinction unfolded as Ms. Mehr Budhwani was bestowed with the prestigious ‘Miss Gamadia’ Award.
Cheers echoed when the outgoing students were presented with a souvenir as a token of love and the premises echoed with enchanting hymns like showers of blessings and give me oil in my lamp. Students with bittersweet memories, encapsulating the essence of a transformative academic voyage concluded with hope for the future.

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