
Bai M. N. Gamadia Girls' High School


Bai M. N. Gamadia Girls' High School

The child has one intuitive aim: self development

The Investiture Ceremony & Prize Distribution

“Leadership is the capacity to translate vision into reality.”

– Warren Bennis

The Investiture ceremony & Prize Distribution from Nursery to Std X at Marathi Sahitya Sangh on Thursday, July 19, 2018 at 9. 00 am. The Senior student Council was inducted as office bearers (2018-2019) to take up the responsibilities as student leaders. The Principal & certain senior teachers pinned the badges to the newly elected office Bearers. The Student Council under the leadership of the Head Girl & Assistant Head Girl took the oath to abide by the School rules & hold the School in high esteem.The Investiture Ceremony was followed by the Prize Distribution for the Academic Year 2017-2018 to felicitate the students who brought laurels to the School as well as for themselves. We also acknowledge the presence of Mr. Z. Billimoria & his inspiring speech on this day.

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